Tuesday, November 9

New Me

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Cheers to a whole new me! I have not been using my blogspot for quite a while now, and I apologize to my fourteen followers, yes, I am so popular eh? That I have not been active. To be honest, I moved on to tumblr which to my dismay saddens me with all this non original blog posting. Although, Tumblr has gotten my attention with it being way easier to use.

Just to keep you updated on my life, I recently got a tattoo. The tattoo is a South African symbol that stands for strength (in mind, body, and soul). I saw this tattoo on a picture and I immediately knew it was what I wanted for my first tattoo. I've been thinking a lot lately on what design to settle with first because getting a tattoo, to me, is a big commitment for your body. I want to be able to wear this artwork for the rest of my life (literally).

For the issues that I've dealt with in the past few months, I wanted this tattoo so that when I look at it I will remind myself to stay strong and that everything will be okay.

I also got a job this past year as well at American Apparel. I love it, it is something to look forward to (on most days) and I met some amazing people at my work.

I'm still with my lovely boyfriend of almost four years now, Josh, and we are still completely happy with one another.

As for friends, I've gained some and lost some. But I realized who my real friends are, and that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Oh! I also started college about three months ago. It's getting ridiculously hard to balance school, work, and relationships out. But I'm growing and learning.

Until next time